February 2007

Rained all the way to Surrey then stopped when I got there.
Set up my new chrony for a cloudy day and then the sun came out.
Clear sight of the target, lovely shooting weather.

Only 5 holes in the paper today but all in a 5" x 3" group. I think two fell
short but where the other four went I don't know for sure. I was intent
on missing the chronoscope rather than hitting the target so I didn't
bother adjusting the sights.

This isn't old bubble gum it's visco-elastic putty. This has the unusual property
of going hard momentarily when you hit it. Roll a ball of this stuff with your fingers
and it will bounce like a steel ball without picking up a flat spot.

I packed it in behind the hooked breech so I could tighten it without reworking the gun
or gluing it in place. Judging by that group I think it may have worked.

The chrono quickly explained the extreme lows I've been sufferring

1003 ft/sec
343 <~
384 <~
The question marks are a shot that didn't register.

I noticed that the extreme lows followed me adding extra wet to the lambswool mop
I was using to wipe the bore. I switched to wiping with a damp patch and got off 4 more
before it became difficult to load


Ignoring the two ultra slow balls that probably fell short, the rest fall into the
range 1003 to 1121 ft/s so why aren't they all on the target???
I changed tactics again for the next target, a wet mop followed by a dry patch...

Better, only 47 ft/sec spread, (1066 to 1113), but only two out of seven hit the target.

This could be a clue, just looked at the patches, half of them are burnt through
The one bottom centre is baby blanket (I ran out of ticking) :o).

This is not easy to fix, the rifling is incredibly deep and sometimes the wadding
I put behind the ball isn't enough to seal the grooves. A cloth patch can't hope to
survive on it's own down there. I'm wondering if it was rifled for a leather patch, that
could explain a thing or two ! I was only loading 75 grains which is not a hot load in a .625

If I fix the wadding, adjust the sights and do the new wipe could I be in the black next
month? It would be nice :o)